Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Healer's note: Meditation related to Medulla Oblongata

First in-breath, I allow Pure Source Energy, Strength and Harmony to enter through my Medulla Oblongata, activating all brain, reaching Third Eye where beam of light is ignited to shine forth. My Medulla Oblongata is Ganesha in action dissolving all self made obstacles.

Second in-breath, I allow the continuous flow of Pure Source Energy, Strength and Harmony, coming through my Medulla Oblongata to descend into my spine, widening the Shushumna Nadi.

Third in-breath, I invite the flow to reach base of spine where Kundalini resides.

Fourth in-breath, the consistent flow awakens Kundalini, bringing equilibrated synchronization to Ida and Pingala, her companions.

Fifth in-breath, they all fly together with ease and grace, to Crown Chakra, where Kundalini blossoms and reveals her noble essence.

Sixth in-breath, I align all of my physical, etheric, mental, emotional and soul being with Pure Source Abundance.

Seventh in-breath, showers of Pure Source Abundance engulf the totality of me, bringing even more vibrancy to my Soul Star Chakra.

Eighth in-breath, I identify myself as an expansion of  Pure Source Energy, Strength and Harmony, connected to All that is, conversing with Cosmic Consciousness. I am that, I am.

Ninth and final in-breath, is a gratitude breath, uncreating all distortion in all dimensions and sealing the healing in the heart of All that is.

So it is.

(While doing this meditation please sit spine erect and if possible, sit in lotus position. Kindly, visualize each in-breath coming through Medulla Oblongata.)

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