Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Reflective note

From bomb detector mall guard use on your car to infrared thermometer supermarket worker use on you, a shift in the concepts of terror, terrorism and weapons.

Astrological Note

Along year 2020, conjunction of Pluto and Jupiter unfolding three times: April 4th/ June 30th/ November 12th. Whether to deal with it as golden opportunity or doomsday, it is a chosen focus between extremes. Golden opportunity?! Yes, it may be so, once targetting what to eliminate so to create space for the transformative new. Key open question: How to be Home.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Face mask and Corona: A Philosophical Note

May we reflect on face mask necessity after the loss of healthy boundaries (Corona as Neptunian syndrome). It is ultimately not for protecting us from others but rather an invitation to have a fresh perspective on who we are individually with respect to others. 'Others' are not danger. I like to contemplate the issue as follows: We are all Love. Yet, which unique flavor of Love do I wish to be now, starting on white canvas ...

Friday, March 27, 2020

Psychic Note 3

As I shared before, this time up to 2023, is about how to reach and enhance Oneness consciousness while preserving healthy boundaries that safe guard the enriching individualized expressions of Oneness.

The issue that started with loss of healthy boundaries (Neptunian syndrome) within enhanced group consciousness and swung to the extreme of artificially imposed boundaries (like Corona caused curfew), will end up in a reshuffle of all boundaries in order at last to reach and establish healthy personal boundaries.

This reshuffling of boundaries will be microscopic and macroscopic. It will result in a redistribution of all boundaries. Among that realm, are earthquakes, reconfigurations of historic geographic boundaries of countries, end of royal dynasties, financial systems reshuffle, wealth redistribution in addition to manifestation of various types of viruses.

So for whatever to settle down, it will take a journey of couple of years. Yet stay assured, it is for the benefit of all humanity. Just focus on and reassess what it means for you the notion of healthy personal boundaries while allowing and trusting the collective process guided by higher realms. 

A kind reminder that necessity is the mother of invention. So be ready too for a great leap of creativity wave and technological advancement that touch genius level.

During this intense time, instead of worrying about personal wealth, focus on how to gain or fine-tune skills that serve the collective.

Be well and thrive.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Psychic Note 2

I sense that what we are facing will not be limited to Corona virus. From now till 2023, the viruses' presence will continue so to teach each one of us how to instill healthy boundaries. Corona is just a preparation for what is coming.

Nature's law is about swinging: From no boundaries (uniformed way of living) to artificial and imposed boundaries till we rest in the middle: self imposed healthy boundaries.

It is not divine punishment (like institutional religious men want you to believe) nor devil's revenge.
It is just a lesson and a nudge toward the authentic path: personal healthy boundaries within our ever enhanced collective consciousness.

Oneness consciousness is enriched by individualized expressions of Oneness and Nature will ensure preserving that enrichment. The more each one of us is anchored in this knowing, the less chance each has of tapping onto the collective psychic trauma that is currently unfolding.

That said, we are recommended to take provision for the ride ahead, up to 2023. This provision means whatever is nurturing whether food, nurturing friends, nurturing actions or nurturing thoughts and nurturing new creations.

Be well and thrive.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Astrological Note 1

The Universe speaks constantly through coded information, for who notices from humans. A virus is a Neptunian manifestation: A symbol of letting go (loss) of healthy boundaries. In the Aquarius age that we are in and which is all about collective consciousness, the question becomes how to tap into collective consciousness while preserving healthy boundaries. In order to address that question, one is recommended to differentiate between oneness consciousness and uniformed/unified consciousness. Each person is an individualized expression of oneness through which oneness expands in a unique and enriching way. Meaning our personal uniqueness is so important and nurturing to the collective. Without healthy boundaries, we may fall into unified consciousness which is a disservice to all.
As a symbol of uniformed consciousness, the 'army' fits it so well. For this reason, the further we go into the Aquarius age (2023 and beyond), I predict the gradual disintegration of 'army' for being unhealthy and debilitating concept. A kind reminder that healthy boundaries are organic and self imposed.
Back to now and the Corona virus, I notice the following: Neptune is in Aquarius. Thus to overcome today Corona virus pandemic, we are recommended to use the tools of the opposite sign: Leo archetype. They are creativity, lightness or playfulness and attention.
Be well and thrive.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Highlight on previous note to self

In previous post I wrote: "I compare year 2020 to the 12th house of astrology where loss rains on you to ultimately resurrect you."
Reading that line with the Corona virus pandemic lens, it gifts it soundtrack music.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Note to self: 20/20

I am living currently in Lebanon where creative chaos, a form of civil revolution, is in full bloom. I compare year 2020 to the 12th house of astrology where loss rains on you to ultimately resurrect you. Here banks have hijacked individuals bank accounts (all people who have bank accounts) under the pretext of "for the benefit of financial status of the country". When was a country on the opposite side of its people! The mafia of politicians impoverished people while expecting from them gratitude and still betting on manipulating them. The ancient ways of mafia won't work anymore.

I sense what happened and is unfolding in the bank sector in Lebanon won't be limited to Lebanon. That "trend" will spread all over the world to kill but ultimately resurrect finance through a new system, yet to be revealed.

My observation of this creative chaos in Lebanon, a positive tsunami of creativity entangled with a negative tsunami of bitter emotions. How can each welcome the creativity while stepping away from the bitterness remains a personal responsibility. Awareness is keyword to navigate "the 12th house" so to tap onto superconscious instead of subconscious.

Good luck World!

P.S: Stepping away from the tsunami of bitter emotions does not mean denying your bitter emotions but rather processing them in order to go beyond them.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Note to self

I decided in 2020 to resurrect my old blog. I miss conversing with imaginary reader. What is new with me? I took a step away from poetry. A step closer to photography. Greatly immersed in healing.  In September 2020 I will graduate from 3 years journey of shamanism apprenticeship. Oh my Goodness how amazing and eye opening it is to practice dying. I am not permitted to share details of my journey as shaman apprentice (Foundation of Shamanic Studies requests not to share such info). Yet I will be writing more of the amazing unfolding of what I experience when I do soul retrieval and psychopomp as healer-shaman.

Welcome 2020. Cheers to new beginnings.

P.S: I remain the same fool yet with much less seriousness.