Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Note to Artists

In every graph of reality, dots of imagination and vice versa
The skill is to surf in between graphs and dots consciously
So that not to drown in any dot like suicidal poets
Make conscious decision of seeking healthy style in life
A smile is more miraculous than any poem
Bravery across skies, not in dungeons of fear or damp souls
Trash Gurus who shadow your sun by belittling your joy
Formulate your scenario of elegancy
All what you seek is within
Allow your art to be hated for that speaks of its ferocious beauty
Keep on taking yourself less seriously
All is a whirl on stillness
That dance which demands motion yet mystic anchor to oneness


Maya Idriss said...

Post a pebble, the Eagle laughs on himself activating a spot of wonder.

Maya Idriss said...

... Trashing the manipulators along the unhealthy company too, keeping sweet remembrance and alignment with integrity .

(Love to ma Belle across barriers)