Saturday, March 21, 2020

Psychic Note 2

I sense that what we are facing will not be limited to Corona virus. From now till 2023, the viruses' presence will continue so to teach each one of us how to instill healthy boundaries. Corona is just a preparation for what is coming.

Nature's law is about swinging: From no boundaries (uniformed way of living) to artificial and imposed boundaries till we rest in the middle: self imposed healthy boundaries.

It is not divine punishment (like institutional religious men want you to believe) nor devil's revenge.
It is just a lesson and a nudge toward the authentic path: personal healthy boundaries within our ever enhanced collective consciousness.

Oneness consciousness is enriched by individualized expressions of Oneness and Nature will ensure preserving that enrichment. The more each one of us is anchored in this knowing, the less chance each has of tapping onto the collective psychic trauma that is currently unfolding.

That said, we are recommended to take provision for the ride ahead, up to 2023. This provision means whatever is nurturing whether food, nurturing friends, nurturing actions or nurturing thoughts and nurturing new creations.

Be well and thrive.

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