Saturday, March 11, 2017

Metaphysical Note: Medulla Olongata

Your Medulla Oblongata is your ego's home (seat of ego). It is as well your gateway to and fro other realms. You experience life through your ego. You experience intergalactic state of being through your ego too. You are advised as first step to assign a gatekeeper to this intergalactic gateway. No better choice for gatekeeper than your own higher self to assure only the best of the best to have access to it.

  An enlightened ego is your best ally to manage well and prolong liberation once attained. In case of high energy entering your body through your crown chakra first instead of medulla oblongata, liberation becomes a shooting star: shortly experienced with adverse reactions.

We learn to bow to receive direct download to the medulla. Yogis lock their chins during meditation for the same reason too.

The medulla is directly connected to the third eye: As if the 'film' that is in the backroom, gets to be projected on the third eye screen. This 'film' is the knowing from elsewhere.

May you grasp how precious your medulla hence your ego are.

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