Friday, March 31, 2017


on the outwardly leaning petal
shadows of lovers
in deep consolation to each other
and I discover the origin
of rose scent

Thursday, March 30, 2017


to explore the milky way
closing eyes



billowing white curtains
the empty space less empty

Pencil Drawing

A month or so, ago, I picked up a new hobby: Pencil Drawing. My teacher is so graceful in her interference that the classes gave me a boost in stamina for drawing. I wish I have a teacher of poetic expression or script writing, who is as much graceful. I blossom in delicate environments.

So, sharing with you, my reader, the rose I drew yesterday:

Monday, March 27, 2017


between lost and found
the swing
of dreams

Sunday, March 26, 2017


how ancient
are your scars
dear soul
a trapped particle
in quantum frequency
of longing and guilt
let us delete all to return
to the default state of oneness

Friday, March 24, 2017


her transparency
for self realization


of cherry blossom
that eternal drift


from star to star
cricket leaps
what an invitation!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


from what if
to so what

Monday, March 20, 2017


philosopher's quest
in few minutes
interrogation at airport


this silent howling
flooding into me
full moon possessiveness

do I need iron bars over window
or strip home of walls


for every leaf
a butterfly
gust of wind

are you floating still
without a body

Sunday, March 19, 2017


bellybutton in flutter
the tug of a hum-kite


the way we gather rain droplets
to drink the sky
the way we shed them too
to be sky


she notices

immersed in predawn
she loses the weight
of silence


gathered wind
in a kiss


under skin
poetry of touch

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


crying in the shower
the little girl
afraid of making a noise
can you tell her birds
to start liking noise

Monday, March 13, 2017


the descendant
planting a kiss
to lengthen spine
cosmic wings
over a river of earthly shivers
tilting to lead infiniti


breathing in
the rhythm of rain
to let go


untangling the present
the wider horizon
of dandelion seeds

nature thrives
with wings

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Note on the margin

"Nails midst bleeding palms did not produce a Jesus out of Jesus"
(A channeled quote by me during a Family Constellation workshop I participated in Saturday March 11)
What if we do not value suffering but rather value higher state of consciousness. An invitation to let suffering become obsolete in the Aquarius Age.

Metaphysical Note: Medulla Olongata

Your Medulla Oblongata is your ego's home (seat of ego). It is as well your gateway to and fro other realms. You experience life through your ego. You experience intergalactic state of being through your ego too. You are advised as first step to assign a gatekeeper to this intergalactic gateway. No better choice for gatekeeper than your own higher self to assure only the best of the best to have access to it.

  An enlightened ego is your best ally to manage well and prolong liberation once attained. In case of high energy entering your body through your crown chakra first instead of medulla oblongata, liberation becomes a shooting star: shortly experienced with adverse reactions.

We learn to bow to receive direct download to the medulla. Yogis lock their chins during meditation for the same reason too.

The medulla is directly connected to the third eye: As if the 'film' that is in the backroom, gets to be projected on the third eye screen. This 'film' is the knowing from elsewhere.

May you grasp how precious your medulla hence your ego are.

Friday, March 10, 2017


what is blooming on the naked tree
different shades of the same moon


south sea pearl
deeper in his palm
her tingling kiss

the outer breeze
of wild inner fire

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Arabic poetry

يَتَرنح على طرف الليل
عِشقٌ بخِفّة النور
اسامِرُ عِطرَه العابِق الى آخر المدى


she opens her petals
to be the cosmic sun

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


garden, this place to choose
to read s k y
the flower's inhale

he exhales
written poetry