Monday, February 27, 2017

Note to Self: 12th house blessing

I have been lately exploring new hobbies. I knew from my mom (blessed be) that I was born very early morning. Actually, it was the day of her own 30th birthday. Anyway, without exact timing, I did not find any resonance in astrology until I solved my exact timing. Using dowsing, I found out I was born 6:50 am. That enabled me to do my chart. Then the mystery of the 12th house unfolded. I have a stellium: Four planets in same house, the 12th, and of the same sign. It is common knowledge in Astrology that the 12th house is the house of suffering. Yet further in-depth exploration lead to my newest discovery:

"The twelfth house contains inheritance from the social/tribal group and the collective at large. It also can provide information on access and personal interface with Spirit, consciously or otherwise. At some point in soul development a person will find it imperative to integrate an individuated concept of self with cosmic, social and natural elements surrounding him. The greatest potential for self-mastery, expression of genius and true profession comes out of the twelfth house, but only after the karma of self-imprisonment and bondage due to unconscious motivations has surfaced and been resolved. "

Few lines in a random website tells my life story. Quite interesting.


the vision of tears
how to stretch my arm to
that childhood bracelet, mine
underneath the sea, see
I am looking for what is buried

Friday, February 24, 2017


sunset wind
apart yet one


orbiting the white orchid
at different speed
crescent moon

deeper and higher
on the horizon venus


thunder in spine
I sculpt the sea
of divine love

locating the north star
to find my dissolving


reading your palm
kiss by kiss

Thursday, February 23, 2017


early morning ray
nudging my eyelashes
to be, god

whom I catch rhyming
what a wonderful world

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


lingering on
this scent of deep and slow

drifting down the hall of time
the sound of cherry blossom


making love in the moonlight
how illumined we are
home of sparkles