Thursday, July 30, 2015

Quote of mine

The spirit's ultimate joy is to experience itself through physicality.
Get back fully in your body now then relax into aliveness and its sweet taste.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Spring cry
from mountain's edge to womb
birthed and rebirthing

I contemplate the succession of me
even within the silence that follows

Spring cry
from mountain's edge to womb
birthed and rebirthing

Distances that punctuate
how you bring me the horizon!

Spring cry
from mountain's edge to womb
birthed and rebirthing

Scattered pine trees till fire
the enchanted breath within

Monday, July 27, 2015

Arabic Poetry

يُحَرِّكُ   بِضَوء  القَمَر  نصَّ  أحاديثنا

غير  المُباحة  الا  في  زُرْقَةِ  عينيه

ويتَّخِذُ  الوَقتَ  أُرجوحةً

 تُهَدْهِدُهُ  ما  بين  المَلائِكة  والشياطين

الى حين  صَحْوَته  الكُبرى

على  يَدِ  عرّافة

في حُلْم ٍ  كاسِر

تُنبأه   بطفل ٍ   لم   يُفارقه

هو  هو

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Quote of mine

Your Openness while being fully Grounded is your Optimal Protection.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Metaphysics Note

Dear reader, you might be surprised by what I am to reveal: There is no Karma. Do not accept suffering as a due payment of Karma. Do not buy into suffering in the name of Karma. Remember Haruki Murakami quote: "Pain is inevitable; Suffering is optional". Indeed, Suffering is a Choice.

To understand the whole Universe, let go of Karma and "think of vibrations" as Nikolas Tesla advised. Negative vibrations entrap you (by the law of resonance) till you raise your awareness and choose consciously to vibrate differently. A given negative vibration is the outcome of a misbelief, an unhealthy thought you bought into (or even your soul -a bought in misbelief running havoc for multi past lives-), taking you away from harmony and balance, resulting in your disempowerment.

To raise your awareness, 'peel the onion' meaning be inquisitive, start with identifying the recurring sick patterns running your life and ruining your joy, then identify the misbelief that founded a given pattern and subsequently find out which seed planted the misbelief (the misbelief's origin). Realize and acknowledge how this/these misbelief(s) lower(s) your vibration, entrapping you. Dissect what is so to transcend it.

A little of Awareness does wonder; Imagine what a strong dose of Awareness, can achieve!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Quote of mine

Resistance as a vibration reinforces the frequency of limitations. Choose differently by embracing 'to allow'. Walk through to go beyond.

Quote of mine

Dimming your light out of being "considerate" to others is the worst disservice you do to yourself and others. Inspire others by shining your light to the fullest. Let them catch your high vibrations: Blessed contagiousness.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Quote of mine

As often as you can, tell your cells: Thank you, I love you & I command you to relax now.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Metaphysics Note

The rainbow as a symbol confesses the importance of harmony in between all chakras (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Harmony that stems from balance in between chakras is what allows the natural flow of Divine Light within.

Crystals that reflect rainbows are activators of harmony within. Yet they are just an activator. It all depends on how the subject receives, interacts and co-creates with the given activating energy.

I wish you, the reader of my blog, a tribe of rainbows and stronger awareness.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Quote of mine

Instead of survival, seek self refinement that leads inevitably to thriving.

Sunset Photography

Monday, July 20, 2015

Metaphysics Note

I often repeat "How to anchor more of my spirit into my physical body?" as an open ended affirmation that activates without limiting the process. 
These days I am contemplating the relationship of "my spirit" with "Holy Spirit" ... In the Bible, it is preached to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that Jesus walks again through you. Since all Spirits are holy by definition (mind you to distinguish between Spirit and Soul ),  I now transmute the Bible preaching into:

Anchoring more of your Spirit into physical body, is to allow you to activate your Christ Consciousness, revealing the Creator within. 

This constitutes my current understanding of  Christian Trinity, that merges with my knowing of Oneness and its fractal geometry.

Cedars Arz, Lebanon


Gibran Khalil Gibran

Friday, July 17, 2015

Quote of mine

Savoring your Presence as spirit, soul and body in the now moment for no reason, is a magical experience beyond any dream of yours. Opt for Presence first and never wait for an alibi to feel alive.

Quote of Mine

Nothing is more important than compassion, except self compassion.

Metaphysics Note

As a healer, I observe and identify patterns as well as phenomenas. Certain persons who are in the early to mid phase of awakening, tend to force themselves to heal. It is totally counteractive: Forcing is never a way that leads to healing. Healing is the most natural process that exits. As a creation of Pure Source, human beings natural vibes are high. What lowers them is the quantity of adopted misbeliefs that spins a person out of his natural state. By raising awareness and uncovering why, how and when a given misbelief was adopted, realizing what its name suggests - a wrong belief bought into as an unconscious reaction -, healing gets activated.

Forcing is not to be confused with empowerment. Self empowerment is re-gained by letting go of misbeliefs, ending their subsequent sick patterns. Meanwhile, forcing stems out of fear and an urge to resist so to feel in control.

After all, Life does not aim to inflict suffering on human beings. Rather, Life offers human beings a golden opportunity to expand through experiences and learned lessons.

I seize the opportunity to remind you, my reader, of a Quote of Mine: To Simply Be is an Act of Allowance.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Quote of mine

Do not confuse Simplicity with Loneliness. Simplicity means being in Allowance, just like Mother Nature. Loneliness stems from over-discipline, resistance, a constant need to limit whatever for the benefit of controlling it. Opt for Simplicity. Let go of Loneliness that brings forth a hollowness.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Quote of mine

Beware of the difference between Pride and Integrity. Pride is an item on the Ego's list. Meanwhile Integrity reflects how authentic your behavior is as an expression of your soul. Opt for Integrity instead of Pride. Being conscious of nuances reflects how much aware you have become.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Dandelion metaphysics ~
how to tease a Willow
per breath

Quote of mine

Fine-tuning your question activates the most appropriate process that reveals.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Quote of mine

Home is not a physical place, rather a frequency you vibrate at. Home is the frequency of love that relaxes you into being yourself.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Center Stage Venus


to swallow ...
an eternity
within Sunset

3 lines poetry

amid stillness
I trace my steps back to Venus


outshining Venus
the solitary fisherman's lantern
hushed Jupiter

how poetic 2 dots can be!
filling the void


floating mid breath
upside down
the exclamation mark of sunset

Friday, July 10, 2015

Quote of Mine

Opting to veil what is, out of fear, is an entrapment: How can you go beyond what is if you refuse to see it?

Quote of mine

To simply be is an act of allowance.

Quote of mine

Comparing yourself to others, limit you to expectations whether fulfilled or not. Get out of expectations' trap by letting go of comparison. Celebrate your uniqueness without a prerequisite to fully grasp it, so to embrace aliveness in all circumstances.


White butterfly
on grass
the cloud flapping wings

Thursday, July 9, 2015


the pine trees
around my father's tomb
how much they have grown

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


mild wind
peeping through the reed curtains
into the expansiveness of her embrace

mild wind
to comb wild fantasies hidden
among black hair

mild wind
gathering few glances of naked soul
in surrender to what is

mild wind
learning to ride silk and its pattern
towards the heart

mild wind

(Painter: Uemura Shoen
Painting title: Yang gui fei
Completion date: 1922)

Quote of mine

Your fear is a consent, an open door invitation to what you fear.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Storytelling of Love

He folded his nakedness
a rose in her embrace
She was omnipresent
a mystic incense
made to be lit by organic surrender
Together as the Universe
whirling within and throughout
spilled, disintegrating to rise from the ashes
as Love re-experiencing Its Bliss

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Peekaboo bumblebee

Peekaboo bumblebee
in lavender field
how did the years fly away

snapping rare childhood life
I fall in the gap
between breaths

I can fly


To Blossom

Tulip me

Thursday, July 2, 2015


star gazing
his fingertip dipped in
wild berries

I walk my breath
to the edge

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Arabic Poetry (Sufism)

عاشقة لكَ، ذائبة فيكَ
وجدتُني في عين اليقين
أسامِرُ حضوري حدّ الياء 
غَمَرَني الحقّ و نورُه 
إرتحلتُ من النافذة المُشرّعة الى قلب الشمس
وفاضَ العِشقُ مِن ذاته