Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bedtime Story (Part I)

Once upon a breeze who fell in love with a rose on the edge of time, Rose kept blossoming under his loving gaze. The stronger the sweetness of her fragrance grew, the wider his infatuation became. Yet, nobody knew that Breeze's soul had magical powers. Yes, he used them, trading his identity to become one petal of his beloved. It was quite a season of love, gifting itself seemingly from within self. Alas, mid Summer came and Rose withered away. He was so enraged to wither away, feeding even more on his rage till he stumbled on wind who mirrored the depth of his anger growing ever stronger. Once again, he used his magical powers and became whom he identified with: Wind among winds. After a span of spilled breaths, his anger lessened and he froze in sadness. He reflected on his experiences and asked himself under the moonlight: "What should die within me so to thrive?". As if beside the Boddhi tree, he froze and kept on reflecting. Reflecting by itself, melted sadness away and he gained clarity. He finally knew what has to die within him: All needs to be other than his genuine self. He, whole heartedly, embraced and celebrated being a breeze, just his authentic self. He did that to the extent of becoming Self aka Beloved. Beloved conversed with the Beloved but that is another bedtime story. Sweet Dreams.

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