Tuesday, April 26, 2011


his father's frown
dimming light
for both



Deciphering a window ~
shared taxi
after a quarrel

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Coquelicot ~
climbing hills
with the wind
to pour more intensity
on sunset

channeling through nature

driftwood -
bringing forth light-ness


withered leaves ~
holding the space
for drifting shadows

Saturday, April 9, 2011

personal note from maya to maya

{I am my own definition. I am divine love & light. I reclaim my power & responsibility. To my illusion of wounds, which I created, full appreciation for teaching me how to create differently. I release you from my vibration. Peace flows freely therefore ascension. Eagle.}

Thursday, April 7, 2011

13 years after

Going to her birthday
All the trepidation felt ...
Will surviving parents open the door

Out of a line

Cup of Turkish coffee -
All the breathes left
in its bottom screen

Cup of American coffee -
The final scene
a rerun

Cup of Italian coffee -
Hanging auras as coats
the speed bar for colors fix


Rose water as I become

Monday, April 4, 2011

 springing from March
an old signature


Friday, April 1, 2011

Salute to the Japanese people/ earthquake 2011

"ascension through orbs" -
a red plate
on the whiter table

{... the poise and dignity in which the Japanese people behaved vis-a-vis their devastation is more than astonishing and therefore activating a worldwide empathy flow: the next cherry blossom will have a  fully activated sacred soul}

*P.S: "ascension through orbs" is a title book of Diana Cooper 
           (for those interested to understand the used expression)

~ Ra

2 butterflies
swirling upward to bloom then
withered leaves
from nowhere permeable resonance
of a whisper ~ remember