I am living currently in Lebanon where creative chaos, a form of civil revolution, is in full bloom. I compare year 2020 to the 12th house of astrology where loss rains on you to ultimately resurrect you. Here banks have hijacked individuals bank accounts (all people who have bank accounts) under the pretext of "for the benefit of financial status of the country". When was a country on the opposite side of its people! The mafia of politicians impoverished people while expecting from them gratitude and still betting on manipulating them. The ancient ways of mafia won't work anymore.
I sense what happened and is unfolding in the bank sector in Lebanon won't be limited to Lebanon. That "trend" will spread all over the world to kill but ultimately resurrect finance through a new system, yet to be revealed.
My observation of this creative chaos in Lebanon, a positive tsunami of creativity entangled with a negative tsunami of bitter emotions. How can each welcome the creativity while stepping away from the bitterness remains a personal responsibility. Awareness is keyword to navigate "the 12th house" so to tap onto superconscious instead of subconscious.
Good luck World!
P.S: Stepping away from the tsunami of bitter emotions does not mean denying your bitter emotions but rather processing them in order to go beyond them.