Tuesday, January 30, 2018


I bloom
zooming into a bumblebee
zooming into a blooming flower
how simple and non linear
the interconnectedness of all life is


calla lily
engulfed by pure warmth
a rebirth

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


clear sky, mid journey
light beams twinkle on water
cosmic music in reach
salty breeze
how I love you
as if your noticing exudes amber fragrance
I travel bloodstream to bloodstream
expanding contracting at once
you exhale my inhale and I fly
clear sky, mid journey

in between lines

Through fathoming unity of opposites, embracing expanding contradictions, we touch integration that takes us to transcendence.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Watercolor Drawing: Iris

Lately, I am into drawing. It turned out that I am allergic to oil colors. So I now use watercolors yet not in their diluted usual ways. I am discovering my own style.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

in between lines

We are all equal yet with different growth rate of consciousness. When one has a mystical experience, it is fathomed through his/her own growth of consciousness. To attain a maturity of consciousness is a prerequisite to a conducive interpretation of a mystical experience. It is not an issue of validating or invalidating a mystical experience of another (All can have a mystical experience). Rather, validating or invalidating its meaning in relationship to the growth of consciousness of the one who experienced it and/or the one who is interpreting it.

Friday, January 12, 2018


solitary winter
over sunsetting soup
I sprinkle shared peace


the day after
crying in the stillness
from earthquakes
still vibrating within
beauty that peaks
to reach the other side
on a higher spiral
I gasp
not limited by joy nor sadness
I am the expanding paradoxes
conscious of the single point of existence

Thursday, January 11, 2018


wingbeats, how to gather me
in the stillness
of a tingling meadow


pouring a refuge from gossip
on half moon lemon
the sound of saint pelligrino


her distant gaze
from dark grey window
the weight of untold story


light beam
after midnight
milky way drift

here and there
all inclusive, I am

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


light breeze
coming from or for
the butterfly's wings

in wonder I am
breeze even lighter

For You

Harissa, Lebanon

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year, my dear reader. Sorry for vanishing half of the past year. Exciting news to come. Smiling. Loving. Creating out of joy. You & me: Cheers!