Saturday, February 28, 2015

(Arabic Poetry 2)

تسترسلُ عيناي في مُناجاة الشمس ساعة المغيب
تنزلقُ ذكرياتي على امواج البحر بريقاً بريقاً يَخفو
ذكرياتٌ مرتحلة ٌعنّي ترنو بعطفٍ الى الخيال في الوداع الاخير

انا لست انا
على افقٍ ذائبة ٌ الواني
الثُمها بانفاسٍ متقطعة
قبيل الولوج في كهف الناسك

أضيءُ   بَصيرتي
واستقرّ  في السكون
بين الثنايا
لا زفير ولا شهيق


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

(Arabic Poetry 1)

حنيني الى مَعبد
بلا سَقفٍ ولا ابواب
يُلملمه تَمردُ الريح
في كفّ العدم
يعلو كأرز يُناجي
وينحني كثيراً كثيراً
من الرفق في عين الصمت
اكونه بعد أنفاس ٍ متأملة
في فيض ٍ نابض

Monday, February 23, 2015

Healers Note : Clarity of Vision

As healers, metaphysicians or more accurately energy activators, who have the sole target of empowering the other, we trigger a process that induces our subject to be in touch with his/her authenticity, realizing what is really his/hers and what is just contamination from others or dirt hanging on from the journey. We also channel Cosmic Energy coming from Pure Source to connect the physical body of our subject with it, the primordial source of all that is, switching on the memory of each cell back to perfect health. Yet, all healing is a self healing requesting the will, permission and cooperation of each subject soul.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


stoking gracefully
inner fire

expanding to the softness of light
and its warmth


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

4 ~

fertile soil dumping
his perfume
again wet

under one umbrella
the sequence of verb tenses

fertile soil dumping
his perfume
not yet gone

under steadier rain
grammar of one verb and its tenses

fertile soil dumping
his perfume

under light rain
the shared breaths

3 ~

on a suspended gong
and his hammer's move
reverberating within ~

how closer, me can be to me!
with ease, grace and joy

2 ~

tasting your body
and exploding

into microcosm & macrocosm
how beautiful it is to disintegrate!

1 ~

bringing me closer to
your fingertips

balcony's open view
to sway my petals

Metaphysical note

On the relationship of the 5 elements (Ether, Fire, Air, Water, Earth) to the 5 senses, according to ancient knowledge:

Ether is related to sound / hear

Fire is related to vision / see

Air is related to touch

Water is related to taste

Earth is related to smell