Thursday, September 11, 2014


of Jasmine ~
past wicked grace
the formless holding

tumbling right across
mute edge of resonance
lighter and deeper still

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dusk on a cliff

tilting slightly
as if
breathing suspension

a faraway hum
seeping silently into

tumbling on itself
a foreign dimension

The Essence through a Metaphysic-Poetic lens, Maya Idriss

Visualize "I am" as three elements with respective phonetics:

"I" as the Boddhi tree, corresponding to the phonetic "Ahye", the healing sound of throat chakra.

"a" as Buddha himself, sitting under the Boddhi tree meditating, looking small and round, corresponding to the phonetic "AH", the healing sound of heart chakra.

"m" as ripples of Buddha's belly, symbolizing ripples of his action to meditate, corresponding to the phonetic "MMM" that is the activating sound of the middle brain or pineal gland.

(A poetic translation of that, voice of the heart opening the mind to go beyond and be the beyond.)

Rubbing Buddha's belly actually means to activate the third eye.

Whenever you hear or use again "I am",  connect to the essence and wonder with a smile.

Monday, September 8, 2014


whether book or sky
each moon has a different sigh


breeze and rose
shaking truth
'I' contemplates the dew

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Haiku non traditional

leaf on leaf, green whisper
summer ends
where spring begins


season of Shaktipat
tree and life
no apple blooper


early fall
leaf by leaf



wind chime

Friday, September 5, 2014


winter and opacity
full moon
behind window shutters

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Buddha's tree
how tall is
his I Am!

to witness

a stranger bows
! meaning of mudra ?
the beggar portrait


Dandelion seeds ~
Birthing poetry
On foreign walls

Monday, September 1, 2014

Note on Imagination

Imagination manifests in the etheric realm and through its manifestation there, one starts to tap into an intelligence that is higher than the one in the physical realm.