Saturday, November 30, 2013

Uranus ~ 3

Third note from twilight zone by Uranus Assembly:

Dear One,

For our third message, we would like to communicate with you about the following topic “Mature Love Ingredients”. Your cliché saying “It is all about love” is very true yet many have no idea what love is. Love is never about possession, dominance or manipulation.

Our first ingredient of mature love is about respecting the sacredness of free choice. At the last frontier, a lover can suggest to the other but never surmounting this self-imposed limit.

Our second ingredient of mature love is about nurturing by having a positive presence impacting a smoother path for the other. Here we would like to note that the most crucial trait is Compassion. How the lover’s eyes glitter when seeing the other irrespective his/her status: a bad hair day, malfunctioning wardrobe, sickness, etc. The lover always taps into the beloved perfect soul-source while choosing to go beyond circumstances. Nurturing also means a consistent readiness to be there for the other, never judging.

Our third ingredient of love is a mutual awareness and decision to grow together, expanding in being whether in mutual zone or individual zones: Having enough inner strength to know a celebrated expansion of the individual is a blessing for both while always seeking self refinement by each individual.

Our fourth ingredient of love that a few knows about, having the awareness that a lover is a Divine portal to be journeyed with open body and soul. Your other human cliché “It is all about the journey, not the destination” is also true and applicable in this higher dimension.

Our fifth ingredient is the lover awareness and capability to surpass pre-agreed scenarios thus overcoming past lives lessons and starting on a clean sheet. The more able a lover is to fathom that this moment is an accumulation of past lives moments, the more he/she will be able to cut this old web through precious awareness. Often a lover is among the person soul group. It is precious to identify “this old web” so to dismantle it. It does not mean changing the lover per say but rather changing the old soul perspective seeing that lover without a necessity for learned lessons: Seeking Divine Improvisation.

May you be free to fly with the wings of a mature love, the only kind that we wish for you.

Gazing with glittery eyes, we conclude.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Personal note: Being in such presence for a full day

Yesterday, I went with friends to Shouf Cedars Reserve. I have not seen so many orbs or light configurations in one day. Sharing the seen but the felt is another story.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Time for storytelling: "She"

In her transparent twinset nightgown, she ventures out barefoot into the garden and opens her arms to the wind. The robe with small butterflies’ embroidery hinting timidly to pink, slides down off her shoulders. She inhales deeply, closing her eyes as if to open her third one. Her bust rises to welcome the void. She becomes wind caressing the butterflies’ embroidery. She is a number of trees swaying in desire. She is a cloud veiling, unveiling the moon. She is and she is not. She is all that is: ever changing and ever present. A tingling starts climbing from the soles of her feet as if a line of kisses unleashed by Mother Earth. Is she a love letter getting ready to be opened with trembling hands and racing heartbeats? She opens all her eyes to read what is. Another tingling starts in her crown chakra. She opens her right palm upward and her left palm downward while her arms are still in the same position: extended. As if reciting Shams and Rumi rhythm within her own bloodstream, she understands at that point the trinity of Oneness. Emptying herself from herself, she becomes a channel. All the whirling of cosmic love passes through her tiny body to connect what is below to above, what is visible to what is not. She hears a certain hum of a queen bee residing in an updo hairstyle of Lord Shiva. She smiles and goes back inward. Incense.

Uranus ~ 2

Second note from twilight zone by Uranus Assembly:

We (as well as others) are here to assist you in your ascension as humanity. The road is full of miracles for those who fathom. Love is everywhere and as intense as an Opera coming close to its peak momentum. See everything from a higher perspective. Opera lovers see beyond drama. As planet Earth, you are now center stage of the cosmic plane. Profit from this momentum to accelerate even more your individual expansion. Create a vortex within the vortex. As you experience what is, may the observer within, expand in compassion. Know ascension is not the end. There are doors beyond doors. Yet compassion is a master key to limitless doors.

Another master key is your individual ability to bilocate. Bilocation stresses and evaluates your ability to tune to "being" with predefined intentions.

We are here, more specifically, to train few of you to be leaders and pioneers through our whispering.

Compassionately, we conclude.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

October 6 meditational message

"The power to bring the Fire Element (and its purification ramifications) within, is yours through the breath of fire mastery"

(P.S: Breath of Fire is type of breathing known in the East by Kapalbhati)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

More of (November 2nd, early morning hours)

During my sleep, a Voice was speaking to me, loud and clear:

"Whatever happiness you are experiencing and whatever pain you are experiencing , know you are not your feelings . You are the solidity of Om vibration raised to the Yah power . Learn to discern between experience (being just an experience) and eternal truth (being Eternal Truth) . We are yours as you are ours . Om Love ."

{P.S: This "dream" occurred after one week of intense pain that I am experiencing.}