Sunday, November 25, 2012

"For the sake of sharing" Note: Hara v.s Mouth

                   Currently, I am living in Lebanon. I have a Saint that I love very much and go visit as much as possible. His name is Ne'emeh Istfan. His body which never disintegrated, is still on display in a convent in Kfifen (a village in North Lebanon).

                   During my last visit (few days ago), I had a vision there. From that vision, I now know why his body did not disintegrate. Here is my new belief:

 # at time of death, when the soul gets out from the body, usually it is through the mouth: with such exit, the body disintegrates.

# at time of death, like what happened with Saint Ne'emeh Istfan (and other light presence of noble beings), the soul exited the body through the hara. For that reason, the body did not disintegrate despite the elapsed years.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

River of Light

being the flow
rhyming without a word
traveling within

the breath of God
dispersing illusive veils

"so above as below"

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"What if" Note

Concerning the Kabbalah, names and symbols are spot on but interpretation very misleading. I call upon young jewish to search for their own interpretation in order to assess and know.

What if, the "promised land" is mother planet "Xion" (Zion) outside the solar system and its moon is Niburu which spurred into the solar system and got destroyed. What if the symbols like the Menorah, Tree of Life are of utmost importance but have nothing to do with current interpretation. After all, the David star is not about the one on Israel flag but rather about the Merkabah and its symbology.

What if, one opens heart and mind to understand (Use and follow your intuition ; Ask and you shall find answers).

Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Line Whatever

In the depth of my foolishness, an innocence that is Divine

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Personal Note*

It has been a while since I put an intention of "Expanding with ease, grace and quantum leaps" out there. That lead me to attend an in depth channeling workshop at Delphi university. Though, since 27 October, 2012, everything shifted to another level. In a nutshell, I am able to communicate with my guides directly and easily. Started to experiment on how to be a servant... . Amazing visions.

My poetry took a backseat for a while. Hope to activate that soon. To the reader of my blog, much love. Be happy, stay happy. In light.

Personal Note*

I did a past life regression. I was / am Alexander living in Russia around 1820's, a scientist in the army doing secret researches. His main research is on how to regenerate the physical body from the etheric body.

Past life regression is an eye opening. One can understand himself/herself on much deeper levels. Multiple why-s can be answered.

I deeply believe in non linear time. Therefore, even past lives are all happening now. You only shift to parallel reality. I have visited Alexander on multiple times, at different stages of his life. My physical body gets quite animated while doing that, doing whatever Alexander is doing. Hope one day I will have time to write our story.

Friday, October 26, 2012

white butterfly over my lila thoughts


... Just back to Lebanon. Roses that I gathered from Bern / Switzerland

Thursday, October 11, 2012

on a personal note

What an exciting time I am experiencing! I got my "psychic medium" certificate! I just bought today my MacBook Air! Still traveling! Much love to you my reader :)

separation of &

between me & the universe
a separation of  "&"
elastic band

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Note: Enticing wind of change

I will be traveling Monday morning for one full month around the globe, manifesting my dream, embracing the light. I expect it to be inner & outer journey. I will be off internet. See you in one month dear reader. Much love & keep on smiling :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Evolution Series Completion

dot . . . circle . . . spiral . . . double helix . . . vortex . . . light . . . tone . . . dot

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Between me and my shadow,  a different configuration

Saturday, August 11, 2012


في كَفّكَ أَموجُ

مخضبة بِجنون الريح

كُلّي يتخابط مع كُلّي

أتصاعدُ حدَّ الانهمار

أتكاثرُ نوراً الى الارتماء

في فَيء سؤالٍ تائه

وِصالُ السموات والارض في كفّ من؟

وأبتَسِمُ حناناً . . .

Sunday, August 5, 2012



يَدور ويَدور هو الراسِخُ في عِشقه

تتسارعُ الدفوف لاهِثةً الى وَجه الحبيب

يَغوصُ النايُ في الحنين


والجُودُ مِن كَفه الايمن الداعي

الى كَفه الايسر المِعطاء

فيُصبحُها وتُمسيه مِن غير سُؤال

نوراً على نور

Thursday, August 2, 2012

the circle of You expanding

in the depth of love
no presence except that
as we become

Longing ... Omnipresence ... Victory ... Existing ... Remembrance
shall we awaken to
I am you
never departing from oneness

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli
the cosmos around my index
who's polishing who . . . I meditate

phoenix child

roof view
wind rearranges memories . . . or is it the tear

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Care for a nap my white wolf?

Focus on your fragrant essence


Just broke my Nikon 90 D Lens . . . my Mac pro is on his deathbed : Universe of mine I desire SOLUTIONS

Back to good news, I will post my last photos that I took during my Berlin trip

Starting with flowers

حينما يتدلل الوردُ على النسيم ، أكون

personal ;)

I have been all over the places except my blog recently. Got enrolled in 2 Feng Shui (du temps present) workshops then started Reiki. Meanwhile I am just back from Berlin (extra short visit) and will post photos soon.

To Devika, I love your blog :) . If you care for in depth communication my email is under about me (view my complete profile).

To my reader, kindly be patient with me. Much love.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

About Devika

Just read a Haiku that left in me an amazing feeling. It is written by Devika Jyothi ( It goes:

" Out of the blue
into the blue
white butterflies "

P.S to Devika:
Full appreciation for sharing that beauty .
So simple yet sophisticated : A heartfelt flutter.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

open palm, floating

the waxing crescent . . . open palm, floating
entangled in her hair
his twilight zone and the pinned butterfly ~

breathing the observed

from aloneness to oneness ~
the moon, blooming on a branch, creates the expanded me

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

riding spring rain

a chill of simply be riding spring rain
her early morning face
not belonging nor being apart

the bright colors of Oman

Monday, April 23, 2012

they call it subconscious

all past is
          present ...
they call it subconscious:
          it needs the slightest trigger to bite ferociously

Sunday, April 22, 2012


{April is almost gone in a blink! I am just back from Oman . . . Intending to write & breathe: deeper, lighter & my whatever . . . wings & the blues}

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Divinity of letting go

floating ~
among my soul's silence
the ocean's heartbeats

Sufi workshop

their "Hayy" breathing
holds me

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

past a comma

comma ~
beginning to well then tumble
pieces of the false me
within strangers stories

Monday, March 19, 2012

Story of the day : Awaken

(After a full night of anxious dreaming of my late grandmother comes an improvised afternoon at a 5 stars hotel reception coffee shop listening to "Pour Elyse" live piano : what she used to play for me with grace on fingertips. I am sipping mandarine jasmine green tea.)

fretting about her in a dream
my late grandma soothes me with Pour "Elyse"
5 stars hotel, one grand reception and a cup with silver tea filter
a scent of longing to the mandarine trees
running through her land as a child
I gasp: her grace running through my veins

what is on his mind

her butterfly scarf
veiling , unveiling
the moon and clouds

to my blog reader

a cloud accompanies a driftwood
never meeting but in a tear

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

beauty of the blur, its lightness

jasmine breeze
all my baggage
a white longing

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I feel for you

behind the glass
observing the storm
silent rain, tenderly

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Open Palms

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

once in a blue moon gogyohka

she plays cards then flags "what is your name"
over and over again
how selective is Alzheimer
numbers versus names
who knows why . . . is it safety issue?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

(8 Feb moon)

open to receive
open to abandon
open to harness
open to birth

open open open

hearts in thousands paragliding all over the sunbeams
how many have I become

screening emotions after midnight by sunbeams 
. . . sunbeams and a butterfly
how much grand and invisible!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

`Dedicated to Arab Spring Martyrs

holding the full moon
 martyrs' statue
with a torch

Feb 2012 P.S

{Dear reader, I am back in Lebanon. Did an operation to remove the metal plate and screws - no more bionic woman ;) . I am getting better. Will stay here for couple of months. Get ready for a fresh flow. Much love.}

Monday, February 6, 2012

wintery moodscape

heavy snow
the presence of her absence ~

Sunday, February 5, 2012

inner child

Clouds, Sun
Celebration of all that is

Monday, January 30, 2012

the higher frequency of creativity

out reaping sound in the field of silence
this dusk, a poet
about to channel Atlantis knowledge


in the essence

Friday, January 27, 2012

creatively, mother

wind chimes by the zen fountain
mother insists on telling me she practices feng shui in her afterlife
what an entrance!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

- - -

following breadcrumbs to Home
Let Go - Let Go - Let Go -
d . . . awakened divinity

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

YouTube moonlighting

of Insomnia ~
endless new dawn
videos, YouTube moonlighting my room

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Noted (17th of Jan 2012)

                           Once upon a bright day, my Mrs. X accidentally meet a crippled man. She felt so much empathy towards him that she was him for few moments, feeling all what he felt and feels. Though she continued her daily routine, his shadow was there within her. By that night, she broke her ankle to the extent of necessitating the implant of a metal plate and multiple screws. As if, bridging.
                          And once upon a brighter day, my Mrs. Y meet the same crippled man. She had so much compassion towards him that she honored the courage he had in him to choose his life path while she reaffirmed her own choice of expanding through joy and perfect health. By that night, brighter stars filled the sky.
                          Whether to be Mrs. X or Mrs. Y, kindly choose consciously my heart centered reader.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Storytelling (9th of Jan 2012)

                                        Once upon a time, my David, a married man, is enjoying a gathering with mind stimulating flock, discussing whatever under the sun in an artistic sacredness to what is, yet with a sense of humor to what is not. Engaged in every detail, his eyes twinkle while his velvet drink vibrates of spirits whispering stay. With the scented ambience going more intense yet as delicate as ever with its elegance, time getting closer to one after midnight, he makes artificial efforts to pull himself off the gathering for "it is time to go home". 
During  the ride back, a voice like a moonlight beam, ventures into his dark path and asks "... but what is home?". An undefined sadness tinged with despair seeps into the car to replace his shadow while the question is being replayed over and over. Opera on radio (loud applause) and the clouds seem stuck in traffic. 
By the river, he unconsciously stops and shuts everything off ... to listen. What is home. A flowing breath. Open window. Shivering leaves. All that is nurturing the natural rhythm. Authentic Self expansion. He reclaims his ride with a decision.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

expanding joy

morning light and the breeze
a dew vibrates to
her clarity of oneness

Friday, January 6, 2012


I wonder
are we blood related family
me and the tree growing on his grave

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter flowers

Birds ~
Winter flowers bloom
to wither away on the sound of my footsteps

is my heaviness that noticeable

another withered thought
not catching up with fleeting breathes ~

Bird with character

Turkish Legacy of Sacred Geometry

